15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

Let’s be real. We constantly get caught up in negative thoughts, being fully aware that it only drains you of energy and keeps you from living in the present. Yet, we fall prey to the negative downward spiral. It typically starts with a small thought that quickly snowballs into something bigger. Human beings have a very interesting way of dealing with negative thoughts – we replay it over and over again in our head, like a broken record, hoping we’ll find some form of solace or solution to our problems. I don’t know about you, but for me, doing this actually makes things worse. Because the more I give in to my thoughts, the more power they have over me. It’s about time you break out of this cycle of thinking. When you push through the walls of negativity, you’ll find a stronger and better version of yourself waiting for you at the other side of it all. Here are 15 ways you can practice to free yourself from being engulfed in your negative thoughts: 1. Recognise Your Negative Thought Patterns They say that awareness is 90% of the journey. Before you can free yourself from any negative thoughts, become aware that you’re experiencing these thoughts in the first place. Once we learn to identify these thought patterns, we then have a choice about how to act from a place of conscious intention. Most people that are hooked onto certain negative thought patterns subconsciously suppress their thoughts, that even though they know they are giving in to the negativity, they cannot identify with these thought processes. Once you really...
14 Authentic Ways to Find Your Life Path

14 Authentic Ways to Find Your Life Path

Let’s face it. We all get caught up and stuck in a rut at some stage in our life. As a result, we lose the sight of our life path, but this is never a good place to stay for long. To live a life that’s truly fulfilling requires you to be in tune with who you are, find your inner strength to examine the path you’re currently travelling and be honest about whether you need a course-correction. Here are 14 pointers that will inspire you to break out of the rut and begin to carve and find your life path to a better and more fulfilling life. 1. Where do You See the Ideal You? We all have ideas of where we would be if life had turned out differently. It certainly is a nice thought, but it’s not “you” yet. Consider this idea as a person you want to become, and then this person becomes a goal to work towards, “your ideal future self”. Remember, this vision will change over time, but this “ideal you” that you are aiming to become is a useful focus point to work towards. 2. Where do You See the Current You? Compare your thoughts of your ideal future self with your likely future self, based on where your life is heading right now. Could be better, right? That seems to be true for most people. Don’t get yourself down about this. Use it as a point of inspiration to launch yourself into something better. 3. Find Your Passion If money was not a barrier, what would you do with your life?...
9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go

9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go

“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them.” – C. JoyBell C. Letting go is perhaps the hardest thing to do. It can be painful and devastating. Human beings are creatures of habit. Because our emotions can fog our logic, we feel it’s safe and comforting for things to stay the same. And to let go of the familiar shoreline, no matter how unresourceful that is, can seem like complicating life. Of course, reality is by far different. It’s time to ask: Should you let go of that particular person, job, stressful life situation, fear, relationship or even a particular thinking pattern? Let’s find out if it’s time to let go with these 9 sure-fire signs. 9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go 1. You’re clutching on to a past situation: There comes a day in every person’s life when all the heartache, trials and tribulations make perfect sense. Someday it will all come together and you’ll look back at time, and smile at how well it all turned out to be in the end. It’s far better to look forward to the next chapter in life, because what will eventually matter is not the start or middle, but how you finish your story. 2. You’re stuck in a comfort zone mentality: Here’s a cool exercise for you. Draw a circle. Outside this circle you have several dots named as “P”. This circle is your Comfort Zone. Now imagine yourself sitting nice and tight in the middle of this circle. Draw a...
Profound Realisations, Tears and Breakthroughs! Your Success Live Event 2015: A Recap

Profound Realisations, Tears and Breakthroughs! Your Success Live Event 2015: A Recap

I’d always been a very guarded person, hiding behind my shield. Needless to say, I missed lots of opportunities, especially when it came to building meaningful connections. I spent most of my life trying to fit in, but ended up feeling like an outcast and deeply feared complete alienation. So when I got an opportunity to witness the Your Success Live event last weekend, I said “Yes” because something instantly connected with me. I’m glad I did it, because that weekend changed my life in a profound way. They say when you truly connect with yourself, you attract your real tribe, your match, your crew. And that’s what I found last Friday. The people, the learnings, Sharon Pearson’s warmth and giving a damn about us – everything combined to create that residual glow that I’m sure each of you are still feeling, just like I am. On Day 1, I had a breakthrough. I suddenly realised it was ALL me. I mattered more than I knew. There was no one coming to “save” me. I had to save me first, before I could even think of attracting positive energies to my life. That Sunday evening, I walked out as a changed person. That Sunday evening, I’d rewritten the story of my life. One weekend did change my life! It was SO amazing to see everyone’s openness and willingness to embrace change, happiness and true success. Everyone experienced their vulnerable side. We saw eye-to-eye, we released the pain and B.S. around the crud that we unknowingly protected all our lives, and made space for love and joy. Your Success Live Event 2015: Here’s a Sneak Peek...
One Weekend Can Change Everything: Here’s How

One Weekend Can Change Everything: Here’s How

Be honest. You’re stressed out. You feel disappointed in yourself. You think you’re not doing enough, and that you don’t “deserve” success. It’s like being in a war, well not with actual guns and ammo, but the itch to “win” is there. You’ve done everything by the book, but success still eludes you. What gives? Here’s the thing: I see so many people stop dreaming, and start settling. It’s because they believe success is way too hard. It’s not doable. There’s not enough time. Not enough money. Not enough good ideas. For some reason, it’s out of reach for them. And as a result, they seem to have gone out of touch with their purpose, passion and drive to learn and grow. Is Success Hard? The answer to that question is yes and no. Let me explain. Many people fall prey to “Yeah but…” thinking. I have a friend who is jealous of his brother for being so fit. He’d like a body like that. When asked what’s stopping him, he’ll usually begrudge his brother’s fitness by saying something like: “Yeah… But he’s a slave to his fitness regime and runs 10 kilometres a week.” But isn’t that how success works? Nothing comes without a price tag. If you want something, you have to pay a price for it. But if you want it BAD enough, you won’t mind paying the price. If you’re not willing to pay the price, it’s time to cross that goal off your list and focus on something else. The place to start at is YOU. Perhaps your values are not aligned with that goal. Perhaps...
The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

Can you recall a time when you had a “win” which should have been meaningful, yet you felt nothing? I sure have. Because success is a subjective term. It means different things to different people. For some, it is writing a bestseller book, focussing on the subjective feeling of satisfaction. For others, it could be about meeting objective metrics such as making a million dollars a year or a job title. Subjective success is a response to objective achievements. In other words, even though it may appear like you’re ticking off objectives, the drive is usually the feeling you get from achieving the goals. For example, you may value a high salary and working for a prestigious company (your objective metrics), and enjoyment at work and connection with co-workers (as subjective metrics). In your personal life, saving a good amount of money could be a measure of objective success. Subjective factors could be a happy marriage and providing for your children. Whatever success means to you, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A minimalist’s guide does not mean you lower your expectations – it means you cut out the BS and focus only on what’s absolutely necessary. Ready? Here we go. The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps 1. What’s my outcome? The Cheshire Cat was wise to say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” The first question is obvious – what do you want? It’s setting the foundation of your goal. When answering this question, write it down on a piece of paper and make it SMART. SMART stands for...
21 Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure Once and for All – Part II

21 Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure Once and for All – Part II

I wanted to stick to my promise. We looked at 11 ways to get rid of your fear once and for all in part I of this post. Here’s a recap of part I in case you missed it: Identify your fear Know that failure is inevitable Embrace the no-lose model Shift your perspective about courage Let go of the need to control Model the right people Ask: what’s the worst that could happen? Identify the secondary gain If something doesn’t work, do something else Have a physiology of success Take action Let’s look at the next 10 ways below. How to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure: 10 More Ways 12. Reframe your sentences Failure is a relative term. Let’s say you coach 100 clients during a period of two years. You help them overcome obstacles and embrace change. You receive tons of positive reviews and testimonials as a “thank you”. But for some reason, you don’t attain a degree. Now, would you call this a failure? Or is it partial success? 100% success? The answer is whatever works for you. So long as you’re taking the right action, there is no invalid definition of success – just as there’s no valid definition of failure. You decide what’s important for you and go forth to achieve it. For some people, taking the first step is a huge deal, and still a success. Expand your goal “to learn something new” and you’ll never fail. Reframe your definition because failure at one level is success at another level. It’s how you look at it. 13. Ask the Branson questions...
7 Morning Habits of Successful People: Take Charge of Your Mornings

7 Morning Habits of Successful People: Take Charge of Your Mornings

Whether you’re all gung-ho ready to tackle your task list or barely stumbling out of your bed in the mornings, the way you kick-start your day sets a tone for rest of the day ahead of you. Some like to dive straight into their inbox to get an idea of how the day’s looking, whereas others prefer more quiet. Whatever your style, it’s important to have a habit around it, instead of a one-off. And once you’ve tested it out, you can tweak it or stick to it depending on the results. Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, likes to plan his day right to the minute first thing in the morning. Then he jumps on to Twitter searching for his handle and responding to each and every tweet. On his way to work, he calls his mother, father or sister, a time he cherishes the most. Many leaders and top performers like to stick to such certain habits that boost their productivity and creativity, and set a tone for the day ahead. Here are 7 morning habits of successful people you can replicate for your own mornings. 7 Morning Habits of Successful People 1. Wake up an hour early 5 AM. Your alarm rings. With squinted eyes, you take a look at the time. It’s still dark outside. You figure it won’t hurt to sleep for a few more minutes. Before you know, minutes turn into hours and you wake up with a jolt. 7 AM. You’re late! You jump out of the bed, take a quick shower, grab your stuff to begin your commute to work starting your...
21 Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure Once and for All

21 Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure Once and for All

Ever wonder how they do it? How do some people manage to take extraordinary risks and still cruise through life? You know the ones I’m talking about – everything seems to work out well for them. They are rocking it in business and going gangbusters when it comes to relationships. It’s hard not to ask then: Are these people born with innate superpowers? Are they born lucky or do they face fears like we do every day? I don’t know about you, but for me, relying on fate when it comes to facing your fears is not such a great strategy to live life. It leaves you helpless. Because I’m pretty sure everyone faces the same fears, the most common one being the fear of failure; only that some people choose to pass through it rather than try to dodge it. I know what you’re thinking now. How do I do that? Here’s how. 21 Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure Once and for All 1. Identify your fear Before you can overcome it, become aware that you’re experiencing fear. Next, identify whether it’s a Level 1, 2 or 3 type. In her book Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, Susan Jeffers talks about the three levels. Level 1 is the surface story – things that “happen” or those that require action. Example: aging, losing weight etc. Level 2 fears involve the ego. For example, someone who’s afraid of going to parties may actually be protecting themselves from making new friends and having intimate relationships. Level 3 is the “biggest fear” of all – “I...
Steal These 7 Rituals of Extremely Successful People

Steal These 7 Rituals of Extremely Successful People

I won’t lie – I’ve read way too many posts and books on what makes successful people who they are. Some of these ideas have worked for me, while others haven’t. For example, I’ve found that many successful people have daily rituals they like to stick to. These may appear strange to us (Maya Angelou would only write in a hotel room; Leonardo da Vinci would take a 20-min nap every four hours), but to them, these rituals are more freeing than limiting. They also show that personal priorities are more important for these people. I’ve compiled a list of 7 easy-to-steal rituals of successful people from my readings. Read on and let me know your thoughts in the comments! 7 Rituals of Extremely Successful People 1. They keep some kind of personal journal You’ve probably heard this one a million times – keep a journal or write down your thoughts on a daily basis. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. You can get a simple notebook and go the traditional pen-and-paper way, or opt for something more tech-savvy such as Evernote. Oprah does it, so does Eminem. The idea is to record your thoughts, progress, goals. You can track your progress and create a roadmap of where you want to go from here. As you develop the habit of writing in your personal journal, you get to know yourself better and clarify your thoughts and feelings, thus engaging your right brain to explore new solutions. James Pennebaker, Psychologist and Researcher at the University of Texas, believes that regular journaling strengthens immune cells called T-lymphocytes. Journaling helps you...