15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

Let’s be real. We constantly get caught up in negative thoughts, being fully aware that it only drains you of energy and keeps you from living in the present. Yet, we fall prey to the negative downward spiral. It typically starts with a small thought that quickly snowballs into something bigger. Human beings have a very interesting way of dealing with negative thoughts – we replay it over and over again in our head, like a broken record, hoping we’ll find some form of solace or solution to our problems. I don’t know about you, but for me, doing this actually makes things worse. Because the more I give in to my thoughts, the more power they have over me. It’s about time you break out of this cycle of thinking. When you push through the walls of negativity, you’ll find a stronger and better version of yourself waiting for you at the other side of it all. Here are 15 ways you can practice to free yourself from being engulfed in your negative thoughts: 1. Recognise Your Negative Thought Patterns They say that awareness is 90% of the journey. Before you can free yourself from any negative thoughts, become aware that you’re experiencing these thoughts in the first place. Once we learn to identify these thought patterns, we then have a choice about how to act from a place of conscious intention. Most people that are hooked onto certain negative thought patterns subconsciously suppress their thoughts, that even though they know they are giving in to the negativity, they cannot identify with these thought processes. Once you really...
The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

Can you recall a time when you had a “win” which should have been meaningful, yet you felt nothing? I sure have. Because success is a subjective term. It means different things to different people. For some, it is writing a bestseller book, focussing on the subjective feeling of satisfaction. For others, it could be about meeting objective metrics such as making a million dollars a year or a job title. Subjective success is a response to objective achievements. In other words, even though it may appear like you’re ticking off objectives, the drive is usually the feeling you get from achieving the goals. For example, you may value a high salary and working for a prestigious company (your objective metrics), and enjoyment at work and connection with co-workers (as subjective metrics). In your personal life, saving a good amount of money could be a measure of objective success. Subjective factors could be a happy marriage and providing for your children. Whatever success means to you, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A minimalist’s guide does not mean you lower your expectations – it means you cut out the BS and focus only on what’s absolutely necessary. Ready? Here we go. The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps 1. What’s my outcome? The Cheshire Cat was wise to say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” The first question is obvious – what do you want? It’s setting the foundation of your goal. When answering this question, write it down on a piece of paper and make it SMART. SMART stands for...