15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

15 Empowering Ways to Free Yourself from Negative Thoughts

Let’s be real. We constantly get caught up in negative thoughts, being fully aware that it only drains you of energy and keeps you from living in the present. Yet, we fall prey to the negative downward spiral. It typically starts with a small thought that quickly snowballs into something bigger. Human beings have a very interesting way of dealing with negative thoughts – we replay it over and over again in our head, like a broken record, hoping we’ll find some form of solace or solution to our problems. I don’t know about you, but for me, doing this actually makes things worse. Because the more I give in to my thoughts, the more power they have over me. It’s about time you break out of this cycle of thinking. When you push through the walls of negativity, you’ll find a stronger and better version of yourself waiting for you at the other side of it all. Here are 15 ways you can practice to free yourself from being engulfed in your negative thoughts: 1. Recognise Your Negative Thought Patterns They say that awareness is 90% of the journey. Before you can free yourself from any negative thoughts, become aware that you’re experiencing these thoughts in the first place. Once we learn to identify these thought patterns, we then have a choice about how to act from a place of conscious intention. Most people that are hooked onto certain negative thought patterns subconsciously suppress their thoughts, that even though they know they are giving in to the negativity, they cannot identify with these thought processes. Once you really...
9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go

9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go

“You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them.” – C. JoyBell C. Letting go is perhaps the hardest thing to do. It can be painful and devastating. Human beings are creatures of habit. Because our emotions can fog our logic, we feel it’s safe and comforting for things to stay the same. And to let go of the familiar shoreline, no matter how unresourceful that is, can seem like complicating life. Of course, reality is by far different. It’s time to ask: Should you let go of that particular person, job, stressful life situation, fear, relationship or even a particular thinking pattern? Let’s find out if it’s time to let go with these 9 sure-fire signs. 9 Warning Signs It’s Time to Let Go 1. You’re clutching on to a past situation: There comes a day in every person’s life when all the heartache, trials and tribulations make perfect sense. Someday it will all come together and you’ll look back at time, and smile at how well it all turned out to be in the end. It’s far better to look forward to the next chapter in life, because what will eventually matter is not the start or middle, but how you finish your story. 2. You’re stuck in a comfort zone mentality: Here’s a cool exercise for you. Draw a circle. Outside this circle you have several dots named as “P”. This circle is your Comfort Zone. Now imagine yourself sitting nice and tight in the middle of this circle. Draw a...
It’s Time to Let Go of the Past: 7 Steps to Move On

It’s Time to Let Go of the Past: 7 Steps to Move On

You’ve been hurt in the past. And that sucks. You cannot move past something your partner did or your mom said. Maybe a friend’s piercing comment is stuck in your mind. What’s important though is you decide what to do with all that past hurt. Do you sit back, wallow in your misery, wondering about the ever-elusive “why me” question all this time? Do you endlessly ruminate about the past, getting stuck into the downward spiral of negative thinking? Or do you prefer to bounce back and make a conscious decision to take it as a learning experience and move on? Often, we’re unintentionally living in the past. We taste our food at the restaurant and think “It’s not as good as what they had the last time”. We sip our coffee and think “I wish it had less sugar”. We’re constantly ruminating on the past (or the future). According to Eckhart Tolle, we create and maintain problems in our lives because it gives us an identity. Most people replay past mistakes and painful situations over and over in their minds. They cling to frustration. They obsess and feel victimised by these experiences. In the end, no matter what the cause of your trauma, its impact on your life mainly lies in the story you tell yourself and the emotion you attach to the situation. When it’s time to let go, here are seven tips that will help you move on (even when it’s hard): 1. Decide that it is time to let go They say awareness is 90% of the journey. The first step is to acknowledge your...