The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps

Can you recall a time when you had a “win” which should have been meaningful, yet you felt nothing? I sure have. Because success is a subjective term. It means different things to different people. For some, it is writing a bestseller book, focussing on the subjective feeling of satisfaction. For others, it could be about meeting objective metrics such as making a million dollars a year or a job title. Subjective success is a response to objective achievements. In other words, even though it may appear like you’re ticking off objectives, the drive is usually the feeling you get from achieving the goals. For example, you may value a high salary and working for a prestigious company (your objective metrics), and enjoyment at work and connection with co-workers (as subjective metrics). In your personal life, saving a good amount of money could be a measure of objective success. Subjective factors could be a happy marriage and providing for your children. Whatever success means to you, it doesn’t have to be complicated. A minimalist’s guide does not mean you lower your expectations – it means you cut out the BS and focus only on what’s absolutely necessary. Ready? Here we go. The Minimalist’s Guide to Being Successful: 4 Simple Steps 1. What’s my outcome? The Cheshire Cat was wise to say, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” The first question is obvious – what do you want? It’s setting the foundation of your goal. When answering this question, write it down on a piece of paper and make it SMART. SMART stands for...
A Mathematical Guide to Happiness

A Mathematical Guide to Happiness

  Although math may not be your thing, it can be pretty relevant to use as a guide to happiness. Happiness is unique to each of us, and is a result of a combination of different internal and external circumstances that provide us value and fulfilment. For some of us, family is everything. Whereas for others, work takes a priority. The way I see it, there is no right or wrong here. The important thing is you know what makes you most happy, and then experience it over and over again. And that’s where simple math can help. No lengthy formulas at this stage, just a few steps and a simple pie chart to help you map out the areas of your life deserve special attention. Your Guide To Happiness Pie Chart: Family: We are brought into this world and raised by our families; because of this they become one of our largest sources of learning, love and support. We do not choose our family nor control them. We do not choose our parents, our siblings and even in some cultures, our partners.  What we can do however, is have influence over the type of relationship we have with those family members. Research affirms that the quality of family relationships is more important than the size or composition of the family.  Whether positive or negative you may choose to learn and lean on them, otherwise may need to search for ways to separate or learn from their negatives. Social: Humans are social by nature.  We rely on the emotional connections from one another for love, support, entertainment and comfort....
True Success (It’s Not What You Think)

True Success (It’s Not What You Think)

When people talk about success, they often think about having lots of money, 3 houses, a boat…and an island!  These are certainly nice things to have, but having these alone does not guarantee you personal happiness.  Some of the richest people are the loneliest and saddest.  Money doesn’t buy everything and certainly cannot entitle you to to true, personal success. “Over the past few years, new research has given us a much deeper understanding of the relationship between what we earn and how we feel.  Economists have been scrutinizing the links between income and happiness across nations, and psychologist have probed individuals to find out what really makes us tick when it comes to cash” (Blackman 2014) The problem is, it is easy to equate money with security and freedom.  People commonly make the mistake of putting all their time and energy into achieving a higher income, leaving little time for anything else. They exhaust their ability to develop deep connections with others, build a family, focus on love and health.  They usually end up feeling empty, lonely and like something is missing.  Having a high income and lavish life style sound appealing, yet are external factors and unless you devote them towards self fulfilling experiences, they will not contribute to personal success alone.  “Experiences are worth more than you think” (Blackman 2014) Ultimately it is what we feel that lays the foundation for personal happiness and success. When we work on our inner experiences, we are more likely to feel positive emotions such as joy, affection, tranquillity, and gratitude. Regardless of whether we have money or not, we...

The 17 Biggest Excuses Why Most People Never Become Successful

How cool would it be to have nothing in your way. To have a perfect path lay out in front of you, with no hurdles, walls or cracks. We get 100s of new members each week in Your Success. Every single one of them wants to create success on their own terms and by their own definition.. They want to help people. They want to make a real difference. They want to be surrounded by successful people. They want the lifestyle that comes with it all. But the path ahead is not clear. And the biggest obstacle is – Your excuses. It’s easy to sit back and think of reasons why not to become a coach. It’s not a straight forward path and it’s not right for everyone. But for people who know they are ready to live a life of inspiration and purpose none of the “17 biggest excuses why most people never get started as a coach” will get it their way. Excuse number one: 1.       It’s not the right time This is one of my favourites. And it’s a good one. There is no right answer. There is no perfect time. There will always be things getting in your way. Firstly ask yourself “Why is it the wrong time”? And secondly “When is that going to change”? If you’re passionate about building a business that supports you and your family while helping people to achieve the best versions of themselves then it is the right time to get started today.   2.       I don’t know what I’d coach. I don’t have any experience Coaching is an incredible...