Chris Soderiou

Chris Soderiou

I grew up believing that the most important thing was to always support each other especially in times of adversity.  My belief in social justice was born and knew I was always destined to advocate for those who didn’t have a voice. I look back at the last couple of years and laugh at the times I have procrastinated, came up with excuses and sabotaged many opportunities.  In joining this community I saw that I still had a lot of old values and beliefs that no longer worked for me and that I had to change. I have embraced many opportunities over the last year to build on my coaching ability. The journey I have been on has been a major self-awareness journey and one that continues.  The journey ahead is bright and...
Valentina Bonatti

Valentina Bonatti

 It’s amazing all the knowledge I have found here… essential and personal skills that should be taught by family and school but are not. Since March, I have a better vision of my everyday life as well as a sense of purpose and direction. I know what I want and I set goals for that. I can see the day with different eyes and mindset. I can understand my mood and change it simply by changing my physiology.  I’ve learnt how to ask great questions and how it can be a really powerful tool.  I understand that trying is the best way to get better and become successful and when you fail. I don’t consider it as failure but as feedback. The most successful people in life are the ones that never give up despite all the failures. I’ve met great and interesting people and I can share my dreams with them as well as ask for support and help. I am really excited just thinking about where this path will take me in life. I’ve found great value for myself and my family too. Now I can say: life is wonderful and there are infinite possibilities for you to become what you really want and to have what you desire. What are you waiting...
Tracy Gardner

Tracy Gardner

It took me a while to write this success story… As I sit here and re-read the belief I have on my wall, it says “Success to me is measured by the fun I am having, the lessons I learn and the people I connect with. I am already succeeding.” There has been a ton of success already and it is time to share my version of it. I have soooooo much fun, I learn something new everyday and the people I meet are AMAZING! I am now working on building a one on one coaching business. I’ve made tons of mistakes already and I intend to make lots more quickly.  I am working along side a few different businesses and opportunities keep popping up all over the place. Because I am putting myself out there, meeting people, telling people what I am doing and making it all about how I can help them, because that is what it is all about. I have had many successful moments throughout my short time so far at The Coaching Institute including a workshop I ran at my local gym, a talk to Latrobe law students, Vision on Canvas workshops at multiple locations, inspiring my networking group with a short talk. My plan is to continue combining my art and my coaching to run fun, inspiring, creative workshops that help people get to the heart of what they want and need. I am a learning machine and I have Sharon, Joe and Tony Robbins in my ear all the time, on my bike, on my runs, in my car, they are on repeat. Thank you to Sharon, The...
Kleo Merrick

Kleo Merrick

When I started this journey, I was in a place where I was extremely unresourceful… unemployed, bored, miserable, filled with self-importance. Everything was all about me. I found The Coaching Institute’s website… and I started ticking all the boxes of the characteristics of a good fit. It was me, me, me. I was emotional because somebody finally understood me. I remember very clearly signing up on a Friday… and then went straight into training. Professionally, I’ve now built a business. (I finally got business cards, which is super exciting!). I’ve starting running sales trainings monthly to help people become comfortable with selling. I work with managers and leaders running service based businesses. I wrote a book about it, too! I’m finalising cover and it’s going to print in, like, two days!! Another big moment was experiencing Sharon Pearson in Meta Dynamics when she told the coaches to start playing a bigger game. Since then, my expectations and goals have skyrocketed. And The Coaching Institute? TCI has been there every single step of the way. With everything. Truly, truly...
Megan Jaworski

Megan Jaworski

I always wanted to ‘make a difference’. After teaching for nearly seven years in five countries around the world, establishing a charity and a school in Zimbabwe for orphans and children who lived on the streets, teaching in a leper colony in India, and teaching within the private and public sector within Australia, I realised what my true passion was – changing people’s lives for the better. My coaching has led to helping so many people in such a meaningful way. Recently I ran a workshop for year nine and ten students on a model of adult development I learnt in my Meta Dynamics training. The feedback I received from the students blew my mind. About twenty students came up to me wanting to talk to me and share their story. One girl was suicidal and seeing a psychologist. She said “this is the first thing that has ever made sense to me. I can see a light now. I am not sure how to get there but I now know where I want to go.” Teenager after teenagers shared their stories. And I hugged, coached and inspired. That for me is success. I believe that success for me comes down to my mindset, the community I am involved in, my drive and passion to make a difference. I use the tools and information I am taught at TCI and I trust that it will work, every time. No one benefits by me choosing to play small. So every day I wake up and I ask myself “how am I going to choose to play big in life today? How will today...
Noppadon Tungwatcharin

Noppadon Tungwatcharin

My name is Noppadon Tungwatcharin or Nop as my friends call me. I live in Bangkok, Thailand, with my wife, Rak, and my daughter, Fah. I am now enjoying my life as a Success Coach & Trainer under my own brand, MAX Potentials. With the skills I learned, I am now being asked to coach CEO, Vice Presidents, Directors, Senior Managers of several corporate in Thailand, bot locals and multinationals. I also run series of workshops, starting from Leading ME to Success (focusing on unlocking and unleashing potentials inside each participant to achieve their desired success), Leading TEAM to Success (focusing on teaching & developing participants’ coaching skills), and lastly Leading CLIENTS to Success (focusing on using NLP to understand and serve the customers). My aspiration is now to bring these life skills (life coaching & NLP) to the general public. Thailand and its people will benefit so much from learning and applying these skills in their life. I have been inspired by Anthony Robbins and that is where I am going next.  I will be the Anthony Robbins of Thailand (or just call me AnthoNOP Robbins lol). This journey has already started. I am proud to say that I did it – my own first public seminar “Drive to SUCCESS” on 4 December 2013, where almost 500 people came to learn how to reclaim their life and start living their dreams. Thailand was once called “The Land of Smile” and I will bring the smiles back to Thai people once again. My journey will continue and I am grateful to have good friends, teachers, mentors, and The Coaching...
Linda Bryant

Linda Bryant

What happens when you combine coaching and all the principles of The Coaching Institute to your own business? Well I can tell you what it’s done for me…. Last night at the Manning Valley & Great Lakes business awards….I walked away with: Winner of Excellence in Professional Services; Winner of the People’s Choice Award; Business of the Year Award!!!!! That’s been on my bucket list for 5 years, and the judges said I smashed it in. Then one more, which is the one that secretly meant more to me than any other….I won “Best Business Leader”… Time to do it all again with a coaching business now! I know the principles, I know they work. Now I’m going to do it. And have a ball while I’m at it! So thank you Sharon Pearson for making this place happen! The changes in my life are huge. Thank you also to Joe – I had people commenting on my acceptance speeches saying they couldn’t believe how well I could speak! Hehehe….well 4 weeks ago I...
Vanessa Medling

Vanessa Medling

I first got to know this community in May 2014 after a few months of researching courses online. I found The Coaching Institute… and as I stepped into the foyer I knew it was absolutely where I needed to be. I wanted to take back the wheel and drive my future in the direction I wanted to, to live a fulfilling life where I get to feel passion in what I do on a daily basis. It was so far away from where I was, but I was so determined. Fast forward to now, and I am about to hand in my Credential Practitioner of Coaching, only 8 months after attending my intake weekend and holding down a full time job. I have recently reduced to four days per week my workplace so that I can concentrate on setting up my business and continuing my studies. I decided on “Inspiring Success” as my business name because so many of my friends, family and now clients talk about how the journey I am on continues to inspire them, so it seemed like a perfect fit. My future feels exciting and achievable, if even a little bit scary! For everything I have learnt and have yet to learn, I feel very grateful. How lucky am I to have walked through those doors at The Coaching Institute 11 months...
John Harvey

John Harvey

I am so grateful to have found TCI, I have never felt so aligned with a company. They are amazing at what they do and are the best in the game. I loved the message that all the resources are within our clients and that really resonated with me. My ‘why’ is deep and my real secret is every time I see something inspiring or painful, I link it to my why and this drives me to do whatever is required of me to be the absolute best coach I can be in this life time. I have purposely removed all major and nearly all minor distractions from my life because this journey matters so much to me and know that I can bring value to so many people as I become more skilful day by day. Since starting on this journey, I have went on to form a company called “The Mindset Institute” and had been working with a number of different coaching clients ranging from Aspiring Athletes, Business Executives and even a Professional Rapper. Just yesterday I took on a senior project manager at one of the largest construction companies in Australia and I’m so excited about working with her. What I attribute most to my success is my decision to “play full out”. I’ve given myself full permission to truly give it my all and I am ready to do whatever it takes to be that person. I am so happy to be a part of this community and I wish you every success on your...